Author: AssassinJN

  • Easy Awesome Hard Cider

    Easy Awesome Hard Cider

    we’re going to keep it nice and simple to see how quick and easy we can make a good cider

  • Every Day Pineapple Soda (Tepache)

    Homemade Tepache Lately our grocery store has been getting tons of pineapples which means for once they are priced well and always available. Add in my current fascination with fermentation, and Tepache quickly became a staple at my house. With only a slight amount of alcohol (less than 3%) it’s a bubbly, refreshing drink you…

  • 18%+ ABV Pineapple Wine

    18%+ ABV Pineapple Wine

    What began as a simple wine, made from a pineapple that was too ripe to eat straight but still good enough to use, has turned into an experiment in step feeding. Please indulge me for just a minute as I explain how I got here. It all begins with tepache, a low alcohol, naturally fermented…